Sunday 28 June 2015

The Law of Attraction and The Law of Love is one and the same thing ... INLOVE WITH MY BODY

The Law of Attraction and The Law of Love is the same thing.

you ONLY attract what you LOVE.  you ONLY attract that to which you give your constant attention - to which you give your words and emotions.

So - be careful what you say and more importantly, what you FEEL.

Because it is what you FEEL that provides the fuel and the energy to your thoughts and words.  

The beauty of it is - we control what we FEEL.  It is an area which is under our complete control.  Even if we don't realise it.  Even if we don't make a concerted effort to control the feelings we have ... it is so.  And it is these feelings which is the magnetic force attracting people, circumstances and events into our lives and our experience.  And it is so for EVERYONE.  No-one is exempt from this Law.   What we FEEL about, we bring about.  

It's exactly like the Law of Gravity.  it doesn't only work for some people and not for others.   For good people, beautiful people, intelligent people, strong people.   NOPE - it works for everyone.

Take care to manage your feelings.  Turn them around when you're feeling down.   Write in your gratitude journal every single day.   Try to start your day off with this practice.   I PROMISE you that it works.   This energy of gratitude is the same essence as the energy of love.  The energy of your gratitude will generate a stream of loving energy that will magnetise more and more of what you're grateful for.   Write of all the things you LOVE in your life.  Write them every single day and see how the Law of Love - brings you more of what it is that you write about, more of that for which you're grateful.  

This is a trick which I used for the area of my health and my body shape.   I started FEELING really happy and grateful for my awesome body.  Even when what I saw reflected in the mirror was an image I wanted to change.  And I was grateful especially on those days after a hectic binge session of eating and drinking.  I focused on how great my body was FEELING.  My awesome sex-on-legs body.  My ABS growing and growing.  And slowly, slowly - with determined and relentless focus on how I felt about my body and gratitude for what I loved about my body ... I experienced more and more reasons for loving my body.  Perfect circumstances arose where the perfect people spoke to me at the perfect time when I was ready to listen to the perfect message about what it is that I need to do to change my health and my body.  I attracted the perfect personal coach into my life.  One who understood me and one who developed the perfect training program and eating plan.   That's how it works.  I totally believe that it started with my feeling great about my body ... and not the other way around!   I had to love my body first ... before I attracted the perfect circumstances and people at the perfect time.

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